"ORGANISATON OF COMMERCE" writes our professor within minutes of his entering the class with bunch of students coming out from nowhere behind him like loyal dogs to attend his lecture...
Then starts his explanation about his half done answers which students r least bothered to listen....All eyes are moving with his hands unzipping and opening his bag and romoving out the much awaited attendence sheet for which more than half of the class is present in the class...some turning up after ages, showing their faces once in a blue moon to sign the proxies......
The professor is, am sure, aware about such happenings but choses to ignore them much to the delight of the students....
All kinds of movies,current affairs, coll fests, plans for hangout after the collge are being cooked up while the prof goes on teaching some parts of management....... some students bring books to complete, some to study for their tests, students good or bad whatever it mite b just try their hands at drawing various masterpieces which include the cartoon or a potrait of the prof himself..The book passes from one hand to another hand making additions and editing the masterpiece and out of worst a somehow a M.F.Hussain is born.... Songs, pics,videos, messages are all exchanged during the lecture thanks to the invention of "The Bluetooth".... Students are alll in their own sweet world ahhh...how wonderful!!!
Suddenly all are brought to the real world when the prof picks up a student and starts asking questions... The student fumbles something, the teacher completes the answer for him and asks him to sit,feeling satisfied that the student has understood what he has explained... He is always in such a wrong impression no matter how wrong the student might be...
Somewhere among the backbenches a beep goes off. All the student turn their heads towards it.. The voice is gone unheard by the prof..... The students giggle among themselves being glad at not being caught for the mobile ringing....
After sometime the students lose patience and start stealing glances of their watches and of the bored expressions on their peers.... waiting for the prof to leave early... but for the rotten luck the students have, the prof leaves only when the bell goes off..not a moment before and not a moment after.. just at the ring of the bell...
Students get out of the class, bored, tired, totally exhausted, to get freash for the next lecture and continue their routine. They come and venture out of the class, do all things during the lecture accept listening to the prof.. who is still under the impression and glad that he teaches well and soo had the class full......
Good one Shweta. Surely you will miss these days for life. And its not just you.....I felt like even i was a part of that same class......with education being taken seriously now, these things will history. But I am proud to be a part of that history and i know you are too....
hehe yeah.. always... the days r never goin to return and i intend to make the most of it nw :D
hey! gurl
good 1
loved tis section of urzzz
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