Come friendship day and you had messages received till your inbox showed the sign "FULL", scraps, graphics, facebook status,tweets, bands, hand paintings, chocolates,gifts and what not....GOD!!!!
And today a lone message made way to the inbox, scraps and graphics poped up from the only valuers of freedom........ The schools and collages closed for the prevention of spread of the flu has considerably brought down the number of flag hoisted, march pasts...and much more, in the city!!!
A study reveled that the khadi tricolour being sold on a day India is on the cricket grounds is much much more than that on the national days.... :(
Someone somewhere.... playing Akashwani enjoying those patriotic songs..... enjoying the memories shared by the fighters... the one posted on the border now........ which makes ones chest swell in pride and very proud of the people who gave us everything we have today....
VALUE IT!!!! ENJOY IT!!! and make sure you SUSTAIN IT!!!..